Snake Plant (Sansevieria) Care Instructions - Birdsnest, Cylindrica, Starfish

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Light - Sansevierias do best in moderate to bright indirect light. However, they will do fine in low light areas. Rotate your plant periodically to ensure even growth on all sides and dust the leaves often so the plant can photosynthesize efficiently. When dusting the leaves, also take the opportunity to inspect the undersides and keep an eye out for pests. 
Water - Even if your plant is placed in ample bright indirect light, you won’t need to water it more than once every 10 days (at most) during the growing season. During the winter months or if the plant is in low light, it can need watering as infrequently as once a month. Regardless of its placement though, make sure that you are letting your sansevieria's soil thoroughly dry between waterings. Sansevieria are susceptible to root rot, so it’s very important that you do not water the plant if you detect any moisture in the soil.
*Just like people, each plant is a unique living thing and may have varying needs, especially in their individual locations. These are basic guidelines that may have to be augmented slightly depending on the environment you place your plant in, as well as frequency and amount of water given.

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