Generally speaking, most houseplants require repotting every now and then to keep their growth healthy. And spring is usually the best time to do this. But knowing how to repot your plant is just as important as knowing why and when!
So you’ve decided that your houseplant needs a new home. Maybe it needs relocating into a bigger pot, or maybe you’ve treated yourself to a new pot? Whatever the reason, follow these steps to make sure your repotting project goes to plan:
- Water your plant the day before you plan on repotting it.
- Put your fingers over the top of the root ball and lift the pot upside down. Tap the pot’s rim on a firm surface to loosen the roots. If resisting, run a knife between the pot and the root ball to loosen.
- Inspect the roots and tease them free from the soil.
- Choose a clean pot a little larger than the previous one - usually going up a couple pot sizes.
- Place a handful of fresh compost into the pot’s base. Place the root ball on top of that making sure the surface of the root ball is below the rim of the pot so you can cover it adequately with compost. Once in the correct position, place fresh compost around and over it. Don’t pack the compost in too tightly - you want to allow the roots to move and grow.
- If necessary, add more compost on top and gently make it firm. Leave enough space on top for watering purposes.
- Trickle water onto the plant filling the watering space on top. Allow extra water to drain out and place the pot in an outer container or on a saucer or tray to catch any excess.
- Don’t water your plant again until the compost shows signs of drying out.
And there you have it! Follow our tips for the healthiest and happiest plants!
Looking for some potting inspiration? Need some new plants, or pots, or both? Check out our plant and pot selection online or come see us and say “hi” in the shop!