All of us at Oleander share in the heartbreak of families who are impacted by the tragic discovery of the bodies of 215 children in a mass grave at the Kamloops Residential School and elsewhere across Canada. This Canada Day, we have committed to educating ourselves about Indigenous history and culture so we can know and commit to a better future. Here are some resources to help you do the same:
- Read the report by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and commit yourself to the actions in it.
- Educate yourself with materials from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
- The city of Calgary has committed to meaningful actions. Read the White Goose Flying Report here.
- Take a free course, like this one at the University of Alberta.
- Teach your kids with resources from First Nations Child & Family Caring Society.
- Love reading? Read Indigenous literature:
Goodreads’ list: Best Canadian Aboriginal Literature
Indigo’s Books on Canada’s History of Residential Schools
- Donate to residential school survivors in BC.
- Read about and support the excellent work of Dr. Cindy Blackstock and Team.
- Support a local or national organization doing good work with survivors in the community, like Awo Taan.
- Support the Aborigional Friendship Centre of Calgary.
The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day and has been set up to provide support, including emotional and crisis referral, for former Residential School students and those affected. 1-866-925-4419
We must all commit to being uncomfortable and calling out racism wherever and whenever we see it, in all its forms.
Truth. Reconciliation. Action.